

Mystic Echoes project to start in Nordic region

After having photographed Mystic places across Europe for the last few years, the year 2024 started with my first exploration of the Nordic region. This journey begins in Sweden, Norway, and Finland, and later this year, it will extend to Estonia. It will be a continuation of my search...

Waar liggen Europa’s grenzen? — op NPO 2 extra & NPO Start

07 December, NPO2 extra om 21:55 - 22:20 de documentaire 'Waar liggen Europa's grenzen?' op TV via NPO 2 extra en te streamen op NPO Start.

Video Q&A Interview at F64 store in Bucharest

Daimon Xanthopoulos had a Q&A interview at the F64 showroom talking about his work and experience. Daimon was in Bucharest for the opnening of his exhibition Mystic Echoes that was shown in the city centre. https://youtu.be/wuj0PqnHgMQ Video Chapters 00:00 - Intro Daimon Xanthopoulos 00:30 - Journey in photography and choosing the...

‘Requiem for Irena’ part of IDFA Docs for Sale catalogue

Excited to share that my latest film, 'Requiem for Irena', is now featured in this year's IDFA Docs for Sale catalogue. The film portrays the last days of Irena, who recounts her incredible life through war, Russian deportation and

Mystic Echoes at Bucharest PhotoFest 2023

MYSTIC ECHOES This collection delves into the captivating intersection of mythology and landscape, explored through the lens of photography. I have journeyed to various European sites that are deeply ingrained with myths and legends, seeking to capture the echoes of these tales and their enduring connection to the land...

Workshop & Speaker at WEDDCAMP 2023

WEDDCAMP is an Eastern European Photography Event for passionate people, daring ideas and growing businesses. The speakers are acknowledged professionals with different views and artistic styles. It is a great honor for us to introduce the next guest at WEDDCAMP 2023. Daimon Xanthopoulos is the Ambasador Panasonic Lumix, a photographer, and a documentary filmmaker, and his portfolio is immense.

New York Art Award for ‘Centaurs mountain’

"Experience the breathtaking beauty of Greece's Centaurs mountain in Pilion through the lens of Daimon Xanthopoulos. We are thrilled to announce that his captivating photograph has received the prestigious Gallery award at The Chelsea International Photography 2022 New York exhibition. This mesmerizing artwork, meticulously framed in a museum-quality art...

Winner De TEGEL Storimans Award 2021

The documentary “Where does Europe end?” wins the dutch TEGEL Storimans Award for best film and camerawork. The film was also nominated in the category Best foreign news report. Do short documentary made together with photographer Eddy van Wessel for newspaper TROUW reveals the lifes of refugees in and...

Selected for IDFA 2022 Docs for Sale catalog

We are pleased to announce that the documentary film — Where does Europe End? — has been selected to be part of IDFA 2022 Docs for Sale market, creating visibility of the film to the international film market. We are happy to be part of this years selection and...

Interview Redshark Media on ProRes RAW

RedShark News Announced at IBC2019 and finally here: 5.9K ProRes RAW recording with the S1H and Atomos Ninja V. Bas Goossens asks Lumix ambassador Daimon Xanthopoulos why we should care about this (free!) firmware update and how this might save you in your next project.