Through the years I have been frequently asked to provide keynotes, lectures, workshops and masterclasses in the Netherlands but mostly around the world. Ranging from cultural events, photofestivals, school institutions to major business fairs like photokina and IBC amsterdam. In my keynotes I inspire by showcasing my work and methods behind them. On eductions institutions I teach visual storytelling for the digital age and showcase how new students can prepare themselves for the market but most of all be relevant by adapting their work to new storytelling technologies.
List of past activities
2004 festival Horen Zien en Schrijven
2007 NVJ / NVF freelancers dag
2007 TV interview NCRV Schepper&Co
2007 Darfur at NIDF
2007 Interview in NVJ magazine
2007 Multimedia Sanoma Uitgevers
2007 Darfur cinema and justice
2007 Darfur Movies that matter amnesty
2007 Act of Faith about Noorderlicht
2007 Art Tower Erato Gallery Athens
2007 Workshop ‘Language of Learning’
2007 Multimedia Sanoma Uitgevers
2008 Media Hogeschool Rotterdam
2008 Beeld en geluid Fotomuseum
2008 Interview Bureau Buitenland VPRO
2008 Proud to Present Kunstenaars&CO
2009 Darfur Filmhuis DH
2009 Kindsoldaten in Afrika’ Filmhuis DH
2009 Fotografie en geluid NIDF
2009 Inside Darfour Unicef
2009 Interview Radio6 Eeuw v.d. stad
2010 Photobusiness Fotomuseum
2010 Tv interview op DION TV
2010 Workshop multimedia NIDF
2012 Kinderrechten UNICEF
2010 Roots of Evil’ Radio Trainings Centre
2010 Photojournalism’ AUC Amsterdam
2011 Seminar Zilveren Camera Fotomuseum
2011 Multimedia Radio Trainings Centre
2011 Professional Imaging Beurs Nieuwegein
2011 Radio interview Villa VPRO
2011 Guatamala Ivo Niehe Tros TV
2011 Fotolumni Fotovakschool
2012 Turkije ‘ AEGEE te Utrecht
2012 Masterclass Fotovakschool
2013 Masterclass Fotovakschool
2013 Shoot Amsterdam Pakhuis de Zwijger
2013 Shoot Amsterdam Pakhuis de Zwijger
2013 NVJ Freelancersdag De Observant
2013 NVJ Freelancersdag De Observant
2014 – 2020 many workshops and lectures for a wide variety of clients including the University of Amsterdam, Panasonic Europe, Shoot Amsterdam, IBC, Promise tech, Photokina, Professional Imagaing, photography retailers and many more…