“Between East and West: A Documentary Photo Essay on Turkey” is a thought-provoking series of photo essays that explore the complex and diverse landscape of Turkey. The series consists of three separate stories that focus on different aspects of the country, each shedding light on the challenges and opportunities facing the Turkish people.
The first story focuses on the role of the eastern borders of Turkey as the potential future border of Europe, and the minorities who live there. Through a two-month journey along the eastern borders of Turkey, the story explores the experiences of minorities such as Christians, Armenians, and Kurds, who are struggling with the government’s military and regulations. It raises important questions about how Turkey is building bridges with its own East and how it treats its many minorities, who have lived there for centuries.
The second story focuses on the Kurds living in the north-east of Turkey, who are caught between repression and a fight for preservation of their culture and rights. This story sheds light on the experiences of a minority group that is struggling to maintain its identity and heritage in the face of government repression.
The final story focuses on the rapid urbanization of Istanbul and its impact on the city and its people. With an influx of 500 newcomers to the city every day, Istanbul is undergoing a rapid transformation, with new neighborhoods and housing developments being built at breakneck speed. This story explores the challenges and opportunities of this transformation, as well as its impact on the political climate of the city.
“Between East and West: A Documentary Photo Essay on Turkey” was created by the award-winning photographer Daimon Xanthopoulos, and has been featured by Holland DOC, VPRO Radio Bureau Buitenland (with Rik Delhaas), and the IABR, among others. The series was published by VPRO, OneWorld/Onze Wereld, OPZIJ magazine, Dagblad Trouw, Nieuwe Liefde magazine, IABR festival, and others.
In conclusion, “Between East and West: A Documentary Photo Essay on Turkey” is a captivating and insightful series of photo essays that offers a unique window into the complexities and diversity of modern-day Turkey. Through its stories, it challenges us to consider the experiences of the Turkish people and the future of this fascinating country.
Urbanisation Istanbul [Multi-media]
Per dag arriveren 500 nieuwkomers in Istanbul, de Turkse stad aan de Bosporus waar al tussen de 15 en 17 miljoen mensen wonen. In razend tempo worden er wijken met flats uit de grond gestampt. Zowel illegale als historische wijken moeten hiervoor tegen de vlakte. Een derde brug over de Bosporus zal deze nieuwe wijken met miljoenen bewoners ontsluiten. Rik Delhaas maakte samen met de gelauwerde fotograaf Daimon Xanthopoulos een audioslideshow over Istanbul, een metropool met groeistuipen. Wordt uitgezonden door holland DOC, VPRO radio bureau buitenland en het IABR.